The South-Carolina Primary, Super Tuesday Looms And Everybody’s Gunning For Bernie
After absolutely dominating the Nevada caucus, Bernie finds himself with a big, red bulls-eye painted on his back. Only about 6 percent of the country has had the chance to vote yet. But the media has already crowned him the presumptive nominee, which in turn has provided every single democratic candidate in the race, with a person to beat.
Bernie found himself in some hot water after Nevada, when comments he made about Cuban dictator, Fidel Castro, in a 60 Minutes interview with Anderson Cooper garnered some negative attention. However, all attempts made to caste Bernie as a “Dictator-Apologist” have been mainly proven ineffective with his base.
On the 29th of February, the very diverse democratic voters of South-Carolina are going to make their way to the polls, and experts suggest that this might be the end of the road for Bernie’s “polarizing” reign at the top. Vice President Biden is the candidate still leading the pack in African-American and Latinx supporters, and he is already being projected to be the winner. Still, Bernie’s performance in Nevada was a blatant upset of this exact belief, he won with not just the minorities but also some moderates, and his camp is hoping for a repeat performance.
Usually, when the Democrats hold a primary debate, President Trump holds a corresponding rally nearby; this was not the case in South Carolina last night as the president was away, engaging in some diplomacy and sightseeing in India.
In any case, the South-Carolina primary is just the stepping stone to the big showdown, the super Tuesday- when 14 states will hold their primaries, all at once!