Bernie Doesn’t Seem Like He’s Ready To Drop Out
Sunday’s debate performance made one thing overwhelmingly clear. Bernie Sanders didn’t appear like he was ready to graciously accept the consolation prize of Biden shifting his economic policy slightly to the left.
Bernie was aggressive; he pointed fingers and repeatedly brought up Biden’s voting history in the Senate. It didn’t seem like he was fighting for delegates anymore but for preserving the spirit of the democratic left. It is clear that the pressure to keep fighting and resignation at their delegate count is reaching a crescendo for the Sander’s campaign.
But even though his chances of getting the nomination look increasingly bleak, as Biden is favored in at least three more primaries on Tuesday. Many Sanders allies are publicly urging him to stay in the race and continue to pitch voters on a liberal agenda that he has been promoting for his entire political career.
Camp insiders insist that the decision of whether or not he will drop out remains firmly in the hands of him and his wife as the “inner circle” has gotten smaller in recent times.
Biden might have the establishment as well as a broad spectrum of Democrats supporting him now, but nobody can deny the fact that Bernie is a fighter. He might just be staying in the race to leverage his delegates order to get Biden in a potential policy concession, pushing him further to the left.
However, for his more persistent supporters, the Sunday performance was a way for the Vermont senator to hold the former VP accountable for many of his past follies and somehow convince the remaining voters that Bernie is actually the best shot that the Democrats have against Trump.
Still, the Sanders campaign has not made a TV ad buy since last Wednesday when it added about $2 million worth. Still, it did add another $250,000 worth on Thursday, spread across three states originally scheduled to vote on Tuesday: Florida, Illinois, and Ohio (This was before Ohio postponed their primary).