Obamagate Is A Nothing Burger: Document’s Reveal Obama Acted Properly
GOP members and other right-wing media are mired in a conspiracy theory quagmire. After a series of selective, politically motivated “leaks” of sensitive documents, conservative media personnel are launching an avalanche of baseless attacks against President Trump’s political opponents.
But the truth is obvious: Trump is using the American government to distract from his catastrophically incompetent pandemic response and the crushing economic fallout.
As conservative media continue to whip their audiences into mass hysteria about some sort of a malicious Obama-led plot to undermine the Trump administration, the documents released strategically by the President’s political lackeys presiding over the intelligence and law enforcement communities, do absolutely nothing to prove these conspiracy theories. In fact, they prove the opposite.
The recently released files show the Obama administration’s diligence and focus in the wake of Russia’s sweeping assault on American democracy. Also, contrary to unhinged right-wing conspiracy-mongering, the materials demonstrate President Obama’s dedication to uphold the FBI’s independence from inappropriate political influence.
In short, Trump’s election-year ploy to distract the American public with selective leaks of sensitive information backfired. Spectacularly so.
Well-documented exceptions aside, the files also show that the Comey-led FBI deftly steered a sensitive counterintelligence investigation amid nightmarish political circumstances.
However, the FBI — correctly — opened counterintelligence investigations into several Trump campaign officials following a litany of Trump World contacts with shady Russian intelligence cutouts; these meetings coincided, naturally, with Moscow’s brazen campaign to swing the 2016 election in Trump’s favor.
According to the President’s senseless conspiracy theory, members of the Obama administration interfered with the FBI’s investigation into Michael Flynn, the first person President Trump fired (for lying to Vice President Pence and the FBI). Right-wing pundits also peddle thoroughly unsupported claims that Obama appointees, as part of a vast anti-Trump plot, leaked sensitive information about Flynn’s case to the media.